On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 01:38:24AM +0200, Christopher Taylor wrote:
> Jens Gutzeit wrote:
> >On Monday 01 September 2003 21:53, mario ohnewald wrote:
> >>What is the securest way of starting a application, like ping, from a
> >>webinterface as a diffrent user.
> what's wrong with making the program suid-to-some-other-user (not root) 
> and then just executing it? I reallize this doesn't work for ping, which 
> is suid-to-root anyway.

It doesn't work for scripts.  I don't like the sudo approach
either.  Instead, I've written a tiny suexec-like wrapper which
does nothing but changes its uid to match the owner of the program
prior to executing it.


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