On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 02:46:01AM +0000, Nick Boyce wrote:
> I'd suggest maybe a note about V1.8.4 being "useless" should be added
> to http://packages.debian.org/stable/net/snort.html, along with some
> advice about getting signature updates (i.e. roll your own).

        Why not file a bug?
> IIRC "important new versions of existing packages" are allowed into
> point releases, so maybe Woody's main Snort engine binary packages can
> be updated when 3.0r1 happens.

        That won't happen sorry. That's just not the way Debian works,
3.0r1 will have no new code, just important bug (and security) fixes.

> And I still think it'd be nice if we could find a way to package up
> and push out stable signature updates - but I can see why that would
> be difficult to set policy for.
        The problem is that if the snort people change the engine _and_
the rulebase then Debian can never support new rules for old (stable)
releases (which could be asked for point releases). 



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