On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 10:21:31PM +0200, Alberto Cortés wrote:

>>  deb http://security.debian.org/ woody/updates main contrib non-free

> Since I am not living in the US, and some security updates deals with 
> cryptographic software, I understand that it will be illegal for me
> downloading these updates from outside of the USA.

NO! It is (rather, was) illegal for any person in the USA to permit
you to download it. You are in (I guess) in Spain, and are thus *not*
subject to *any* USA law, only to Spanish law, and the laws Spain (the
parliament) has recognised as superior to its own, such as European

> In other words, is http://security.debian.org/ located outside the
> US?.

AFAIK, it is in the Netherlands, in Twente.


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