On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 12:06:10PM -0400, Federico Grau wrote:

> On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 11:31:40PM -0400, Bradley Alexander wrote:
> > dpkg --get-selections > packagelist
> > 
> > This gives me the option of doing a base install, then doing 
> > 
> > dpkg --set-selections < packagelist
> > apt-get dselect-upgrade
> This would add missing packages, but does it also remove (or even better
> purge) unselected packages?

Yes, and yes.

> I recently posted to debian-users a similar question, when I try to make a
> minimal install I choose the tasksel path and select nothing, this makes a
> pretty minimal system without compilers and the sort (100+ packages).
> However once I start dselect, all the "standard default" packages are
> marked to be installed.  People on debian-user recomended using the "_" at
> the top category... I have yet to try this on a test box, but think it
> would just select everything to be purged, which is not what I was looking
> for... just a way to make dselect use the current package installation as
> a target instead of "its default install package selection".

I don't know of a way to keep dselect from doing that.  You may want to try
aptitude.  Personally, for minimal systems, I just use apt-get.

 - mdz

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