On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 03:19:42PM +0200, Martin Domig wrote:
> I am using the same procmail filter and can say that it works
> perfectly for incoming pgp/gpg mails. However, this does not solve the
> problem with other mail clients that want to have inline PGP messages, and
> those are many.
> Is there a way to make mutt send inline PGP messages instead of the
> MIME attachment form?
I think this is what you're looking for:
6.3.115. pgp_create_traditional
Type: quadoption
Default: no
This option controls whether Mutt generates old-style PGP
encrypted or signed messages under certain circumstances.
Note that PGP/MIME will be used automatically for messages
which have a character set different from us-ascii, or which
consist of more than a single MIME part.
Also note that using the old-style PGP message format is
strongly deprecated.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill.
PGP signature