> И все труды их авторов можно сказать пропадают втуне. Как увидишь
> программу, которой ни -geometry, ни -iconic, ни -fn сказать нельзя,
> так сразу рвотный рефлекс появляется.

А у меня рвотный рефлекс появляется, когда я запускаю что-то типа 
gv. Хотя, скорей всего, это дело привычки.

$ kghostview --help-all
Usage: kghostview [Qt-options] [KDE-options] file(s) 

Viewer for Postscript (.ps, .eps) and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files.

Generic options:
  --help                    Show help about options
  --help-qt                 Show Qt specific options
  --help-kde                Show KDE specific options
  --help-all                Show all options
  --author                  Show author information
  -v, --version             Show version information
  --license                 Show license information
  --                        End of options

Qt options:
  --display <displayname>   Use the X-server display 'displayname'.
  --session <sessionId>     Restore the application for the given 'sessionId'.
  --cmap                    Causes the application to install a private color
                            map on an 8-bit display.
  --ncols <count>           Limits the number of colors allocated in the color
                            cube on a 8-bit display, if the application is
                            using the QApplication::ManyColor color
  --nograb                  tells Qt to never grab the mouse or the keyboard.
  --dograb                  running under a debugger can cause an implicit
                            -nograb, use -dograb to override.
  --sync                    switches to synchronous mode for debugging.
  --fn, --font <fontname>   defines the application font.
  --bg, --background <color> sets the default background color and an
                            application palette (light and dark shades are
  --fg, --foreground <color> sets the default foreground color.
  --btn, --button <color>   sets the default button color.
  --name <name>             sets the application name.
  --title <title>           sets the application title (caption).
  --visual TrueColor        forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on
                            an 8-bit display.
  --inputstyle              sets XIM (X Input Method) input style. Possible
                            values are onthespot, overthespot, offthespot and
  --im <XIM server>         set XIM server.
  --noxim                   disable XIM.

KDE options:
  --caption <caption>       Use 'caption' as name in the titlebar.
  --icon <icon>             Use 'icon' as the application icon.
  --miniicon <icon>         Use 'icon' as the icon in the titlebar.
  --dcopserver <server>     Use the DCOP Server specified by 'server'.
  --nocrashhandler          Disable crash handler, to get core dumps.
  --waitforwm               Waits for a WM_NET compatible windowmanager.
  --style <style>           sets the application GUI style.
  --geometry <geometry>     sets the client geometry of the main widget.

  file(s)                   Files to load
