@debian-release: please

piuparts-ignore gitlab/8.13.6+dfsg2-2

and let's see if we can improve the situation on piuparts' side for the
next upload.

On 2016-12-19 17:33, Holger Levsen wrote:
> [tarball/sid]
> piuparts-flags =
>         %(flags-default)s
> [tarball/stretch]
> piuparts-flags =
>         %(flags-default)s
>         %(flags-start-stretch)s
> which I understood as both having the same tests…

That's the same *tarballs*

precedence = 1
description = + Fails if there are leftover files after purge.
piuparts-flags =

And that's *more strict*.

> And "anyway", considering piuparts results in sid are now considered for
> testing migrations, shouldnt we test sid+stretch with the same flags?
> (and maybe introduce a sid-strict suite?)

(I'll reply separately to these questions, moving the discussion to


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