On 26/01/16 20:19, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 26.01.2016, 18:07 +0100 schrieb Emilio Pozuelo
> Monfort:
>> On 26/01/16 17:54, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
>>> Hi Emilio!
>>>> Can send another summary with your proposed plan here? Currently
>>>> libpng12-dev
>>>> provides libpng-dev but libpng16-dev doesn't. Are you going to
>>>> switch that? Or
>>>> do you plan to build a libpng-dev package from src:libpng1.6?
>>> sure, the only reason that libpng-dev wasn't provided has been to
>>> avoid people building accidentally
>>> with libpng16 when uploading on experimental.
>>> IIRC the plan is to upload on unstable with the Provides: libpng-
>>> dev line enabled
>>> (it is already there, just commented),
>>> and the change for the udeb file conflict (ongoing test right now).
>>> I think libpng12-dev will stop providing the libpng-dev at the same
>>> time, but I'm not sure
>> Either that needs to happen, or a real libpng-dev package needs to be
>> built.
>> Otherwise if we have libpng12-dev and libpng16-dev providing libpng-
>> dev, things
>> won't be deterministic.
> (My*) plan'd be to upload (1) libpng12 WITHOUT providing libpng-dev and
> (2) libpng16 WITH providing it. 
> I'm not sure whats better: if that should happen at the very same time,
> or if we should delay (2) until e.g the -12 package arrived at all
> archs, to ensure that there will be no point of time where libpng-dev
> is provided by two packages or solve any races by delaying the start of
> the binnmus until we can ensure that all archs are getting the right
> one.
> A real libpng-dev package would be actually my* favorite, but this
> requires going through NEW and I fear that that would destroy the
> momentum we experience now to push this forward. Also, a real libpng-
> dev Package could still be introduced later.
> -- 
> tobi
> * Nobuhiro / Anibal should give the definitive direction how the want
> to manage their package...

This hasn't been answered yet. That should be dealt with and a package should be
uploaded to experimental with the necessary changes.


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