close 683311

Hi all,

On 2012-12-12 01:12, intrigeri wrote:
> >> Can I still please ask for unblock for -2 as a part of asking to
> >> unblock -4?
> > Please fix the bugs that were pointed in review...
> Ping?

Thanks for ping. I didn't receive the 'please fix' email not being in
recipients there.

It's clear now that the original Josh-proposed plan 'just cherry-pick
the upstream patch' is not accepted. Therefore, having no interest in
maintaining modified upstream patch (let alone for the issue I didn't
even original consider worth for passing the freeze) I'm closing this
bug. Thanks everyone for the time/considering.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
C++ GNU/Linux userspace developer, Debian Developer

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