Processing commands for

> block 619117 by 626019
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 624578 623927 613199 624767 625908 617212 613780 
553387 599953 623924 613188 620936 533934 621078 618871 618729 624777 624811 
623928 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626019
> forcemerge 624889 624767
Bug#624889: libbuffy-bindings: FTBFS: buffy_wrap.cpp:2862:13: error: 
'ptrdiff_t' does not name a type
Bug#624767: libbuffy-bindings: FTBFS
Mismatch - only Bugs in the same package can be forcibly merged:
Bug 624767 is not in the same package as 624889
> block 619117 by 625828
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 599953 
553387 613780 617212 623924 613188 620936 533934 621078 618871 618729 624777 
624811 623928 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625828
> block 619117 by 625840
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 615571 
616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 613199 623927 624578 624767 625908 617212 
613780 553387 599953 620936 613188 623924 533934 621078 618871 618729 624777 
624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625840
> block 619117 by 613924
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 599953 
553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 533934 621078 618871 618729 
624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 613924
> block 619117 by 618729
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 615571 
616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 613199 623927 624578 624767 625908 617212 
613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 533934 621078 618871 618729 
624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006 
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #619117 to the same blocks 
previously set
> block 619117 by 625985
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 615571 
616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 613199 623927 624578 624767 625908 617212 
613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 533934 621078 618871 618729 
624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 606006 
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625985
> block 619117 by 616052
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 
599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 533934 621078 618871 
618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 
606006 613924
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #619117 to the same blocks 
previously set
> block 619117 by 625961
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 
599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 533934 621078 618871 
618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 624255 
606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625961
> block 619117 by 626046
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 615571 
616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 625985 613199 623927 624578 624767 625908 
617212 613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 533934 621078 618871 
618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 625961 621466 
624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626046
> block 619117 by 626047
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 
599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 626046 533934 621078 
618871 618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 
625961 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626047
> block 619117 by 625161
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 615571 
616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 625985 613199 623927 624578 624767 625908 
617212 613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 626046 533934 621078 
626047 618871 618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 
625961 621466 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625161
> block 619117 by 624810
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 616454 
615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 625908 624767 
599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 626046 533934 621078 
626047 618871 618729 624777 624811 623928 625161 625828 624597 622014 620777 
621940 621466 625961 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 624810
> block 619117 by 625963
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 
615571 616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 625985 613199 623927 624578 624767 
625908 617212 613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 626046 533934 
621078 626047 618871 618729 624777 624811 623928 625828 625161 624597 622014 
620777 621940 625961 621466 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625963
> block 619117 by 599982
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 
616454 615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 625908 
624767 599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 626046 533934 
621078 626047 618871 618729 624777 624811 623928 625161 625828 624597 622014 
620777 621940 621466 625961 625963 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 599982
> block 619117 by 626051
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 
615571 616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 625985 613199 623927 624578 624767 
625908 617212 613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 626046 533934 
621078 626047 618871 618729 599982 624777 624811 623928 625828 625161 624597 
622014 620777 621940 625961 621466 624255 625963 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626051
> block 619117 by 626054
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 623929 539028 599963 579450 616052 
626051 616454 615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 613199 
625908 624767 599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 626046 
533934 621078 626047 618871 618729 624777 599982 624811 623928 625161 625828 
624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 625961 625963 624255 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626054
> block 619117 by 626071
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 626054 623929 539028 599963 579450 
616052 626051 615571 616454 623726 624787 623930 626019 625985 613199 623927 
624578 624767 625908 617212 613780 553387 599953 625840 620936 613188 623924 
626046 533934 621078 626047 618871 618729 599982 624777 624811 623928 625828 
625161 624597 622014 620777 621940 625961 621466 624255 625963 606006 613924
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 626071
> block 619117 by 625863
Bug #619117 [] perl 5.12 transition
Was blocked by: 624810 555000 625695 621999 623929 626054 539028 599963 579450 
616052 626051 616454 615571 624787 623726 623930 626019 625985 624578 623927 
613199 625908 624767 599953 553387 613780 617212 625840 623924 613188 620936 
626046 533934 621078 626047 626071 618871 618729 624777 599982 624811 623928 
625161 625828 624597 622014 620777 621940 621466 625961 625963 624255 606006 
Added blocking bug(s) of 619117: 625863
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
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