On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 17:08:22 +0100, "Adam D. Barratt" 
<a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 14:33 -0300, David Bremner wrote:
> My preference would be to see if the fixes for data loss, crashes, etc.
> are backportable to the current version in the archive.  A quick look
> through the git log shows many more commits than I'd imagine correspond
> to the fixes mentioned but I obviously don't know the codebase well
> enough to tell if a sequence of commits might correspond to a single
> fix.

I have prepared a potential upload for testing-proposed-updates
cherry-picking most but not all of the fixes mentioned in Patrick's
previous messages. 

 syncevolution (1.0+ds1~beta2a-2) testing; urgency=low
   * Fixes cherry-picked from upstream releases 1.0 and 1.1 for Debian Squeeze.
     - Nokia phones: avoid data loss in two-way sync due to X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT 
(MBC #2566
     - Mobical: add workaround for 'alarm' in vCalendar1.0 (MB#10458)
     - e_cal_check_timezones(): broken in EDS 2.30 due to change of error code
       (GNOME Bugzilla #611558, Moblin Bugzilla #9820)
     - Nokia 7120C: fix for enabling TZ (MB #9907)
     - Nokia E55: needs absolute alarm times (MBC #1657)
     - Nokia phones: alarm times in UTC, sending PHOTO (BMC #1657, #5860)
     - gtk-ui: preserve configuration names on save (BME #1266)
     - syncevo-dbus-server: first sync was done without libical time zone info 
(MBC #2435)
     - lcs: fixed out-of-bounds array access (MBC #1007)
     - Funambol, Memotoo: preserve meeting series when receiving update for 
detached recurrence
       (MBC #1916)

A couple of the omitted fixes are still serious, but I wasn't confident
with the level of editing I had to do to get the patches to apply, so I
decided to err on the side of not making things worse.

Here is a diffstat 

 changelog                                                               |   18 
 patches/0001-EDS-compatibility-added-several-recurrence-ID-relate.patch |  115 
 patches/0002-Funambol-Memotoo-preserve-meeting-series-when-receiv.patch |   57 
 patches/0003-lcs-fixed-out-of-bounds-array-access-MBC-1007.patch        |   45 
 patches/0004-syncevo-dbus-server-first-sync-was-done-without-libi.patch |   39 
 patches/0005-gtk-ui-preserve-configuration-names-on-save-BME-1266.patch |   50 
 patches/0006-Nokia-phones-alarm-times-in-UTC-sending-PHOTO-BMC-16.patch |   45 
 patches/0007-Nokia-E55-needs-absolute-alarm-times-MBC-1657.patch        |   34 
 patches/0008-Nokia-7120C-fix-for-enabling-TZ-MB-9907.patch              |   23 
 patches/0009-e_cal_check_timezones-broken-in-EDS-2.30-due-to-chan.patch |   33 
 patches/0010-Calendar-add-workaround-for-alarm-in-vCalendar1.0-MB.patch |   44 
 patches/0011-Cal-Mobical-apply-the-workaround-only-for-Mobical-MB.patch |   84 
 patches/0012-Nokia-phones-avoid-data-loss-in-two-way-sync-due-to-.patch |  193 
 patches/0013-disable-stopping-the-build-in-case-missing-translati.patch |   24 
 patches/series                                                          |   13 

Except for changelog, all changes in debian/patches (the package was
already 3.0 (quilt) so no packaging changes were needed).

The patches taken together make the following changes to upstream source:

 autogen.sh                                         |    2 +
 src/backends/evolution/EvolutionCalendarSource.cpp |   27 +++++++++++++++++--
 src/backends/evolution/e-cal-check-timezones.c     |    3 +-
 src/backends/file/FileSyncSource.h                 |    9 ++++++
 src/gtk-ui/sync-config-widget.c                    |    1 +
 src/gtk-ui/sync-ui.c                               |    5 +++-
 src/syncevo-dbus-server.cpp                        |    8 ++++++
 src/syncevo/SyncContext.cpp                        |    2 +
 src/syncevo/configs/datatypes/01vcard-profile.xml  |   20 +++++++-------
 .../remoterules/00_have_evolution_ui_slot.xml      |    5 +++
 .../configs/remoterules/00_need_tz_in_event.xml    |    1 +
 .../configs/remoterules/00_syncevolution.xml       |    7 +++++
 src/syncevo/configs/remoterules/all.xml            |    5 +++
 .../configs/remoterules/client/01mobical.xml       |    8 ++++++
 src/syncevo/configs/remoterules/evolution.xml      |    1 +
 .../configs/remoterules/server/00_nokia.xml        |   19 ++++++++++++++
 src/syncevo/configs/remoterules/server/46_E55.xml  |   14 ++++++++++
 src/syncevo/configs/scripting/11calendar.xml       |   18 +++++++++++++
 src/syncevo/eds_abi_wrapper.cpp                    |    6 ++++
 src/syncevo/eds_abi_wrapper.h                      |   12 +++++++++
 src/syncevo/lcs.h                                  |   16 +++++++++++-

You can dget a source package from


You can also inspect the changes in git. debcheckout syncevolution;
there are two relevant branches. Branch squeeze is the source package;
branch patch-queue/squeeze has the patches as git commits instead of
quilt patches.

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