Greetings everyone, There's been a history of problems when upgrading between CouchDB versions that we released a patch for in 0.10.1-2: I patched the init file to wait for CouchDB to "really and truly" stop before continuing (@ rev1231). Without this, the removal process would continue without CouchDB really being stopped, causing problems. This is the same sort of idea that yaws, another erlang package, uses to deal with the same issue.
I've back ported the patch to 0.8.0-2 (stable), and we would like to release it directly to stable per another DD's recommendation (my mail archives are failing me on providing a name). This way subsequent releases to stable will not be impacted by this bug when users upgrade their couchdb package. Sergei has inspected the changes, and is ready to upload the release based on your feedback. Here's the revision with the 0.8.0-2+lenny1 back port: And the related branch, for a full view of the release: Sergei and I have tested the change in lenny environments over the last few weeks with no problems. The patch in its current form has lived in sid since March (0.10.1-2) I would like to get this done soon so that we can release 0.11.0-1 to stable, as it contains a security fix for CVE-2010-00009, and stable needs to be freshened up badly. Your feedback is appreciated. Cheers, -- Sam Bisbee
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