Stephen Gran <> writes:

> What I think Ben means is that there is an issue with his package that
> doesn't warrant a DSA, but that he would like to see fixed in stable.

Or rather, that I've been told [0]:

    […] we encourage maintainers to fix such minor security issues
    through a point update. To do so, please prepare an updated package
    for stable and send a debdiff to for

By the reaction I'm getting here, I gather that either that description
wasn't good enough for me to follow it correctly, or I've misread it.

> it boils down to sending the diff that you'd like to see in the stable
> upload along with a request for permission to upload.

Okay. AFAICT, I've already done that. What comes next?

[0] <URL:>

 \        “Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.” —Mark |
  `\                                       Twain, _Pudd'n'head Wilson_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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