Howdy all,

The package ‘burn’ has a security bug open, assigned the alert number
TEMP-0542329 “burn: Insecure escaping of file names”. I have been
advised to make a bug-fix release of this package for ‘stable’ and
send a ‘debdiff’ output to this forum.

Please excuse my caution, since this is my first time making a
security update to a package in ‘stable’. I have a few questions about
whether I have followed procedures correctly.

The package for ‘stable’ is a non-maintainer upload, ‘0.4.3-2.2’,
since I was not the maintainer for the package prior to the release of

    Question: Is this the correct way to make such a security update?

I have also set the changelog entry header with ‘urgency=high’, for
addressing a security alert.

    Question: Is this the correct urgency level?

For this security update in ‘stable’, I have made changes that will
*not* be incorporated into the normal history of the package; e.g. the
‘debian/changelog’ entry for this release will not appear in the
Squeeze version of the package.

    Question: Is it correct to put changes in a stable update that
    effectively make a dead-end branch in the history?

Since I am not a Debian Developer, I have put the package online at
The output of ‘debdiff burn_0.4.3-{2.1,2.2}.dsc’ is attached to this

    Question: Do I also need to separately seek a sponsor for this
    package to be uploaded to Debian?

 \     “You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and |
  `\    Soviet composers, artists, and writers are buried daily except |
_o__)                   Thursday.” —Russian orthodox monastery, Moscow |
Ben Finney <>
diff -Nru burn-0.4.3/debian/changelog burn-0.4.3/debian/changelog
--- burn-0.4.3/debian/changelog 2009-08-23 15:12:43.000000000 +1000
+++ burn-0.4.3/debian/changelog 2009-08-23 15:44:01.000000000 +1000
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+burn (0.4.3-2.2) stable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Security fix for “TEMP-0542329 burn: Insecure escaping of file names”.
+  * Backport fix for secure handling of child process command arguments.
+    (Closes: Bug#542329)
+ -- Ben Finney <>  Sun, 23 Aug 2009 15:43:10 +1000
 burn (0.4.3-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru burn-0.4.3/debian/control burn-0.4.3/debian/control
--- burn-0.4.3/debian/control   2009-08-23 15:12:43.000000000 +1000
+++ burn-0.4.3/debian/control   2009-08-23 15:44:01.000000000 +1000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: otherosfs
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), quilt (>= 0.40)
 Standards-Version: 3.6.0
 Package: burn
diff -Nru burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/01.subprocess.patch 
--- burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/01.subprocess.patch       1970-01-01 
10:00:00.000000000 +1000
+++ burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/01.subprocess.patch       2009-08-23 
15:44:01.000000000 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+Author: Ben Finney <>
+Description: Bug#542329: burn: Quotation marks in filenames aren't handled 
+    Use ‘subprocess’ module, with command argument sanitisation, for
+    all invocation and interaction with child processes.
+=== modified file 'burn'
+--- old/burn   2005-03-16 19:37:40 +0000
++++ new/burn   2009-08-23 00:50:44 +0000
+@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
+ from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+ from os.path import *
+-from os import system, remove, walk, listdir
++from os import remove, walk, listdir
+ from re import match, search, compile
+-import sys, ConfigParser, commands, glob, string
++import sys, ConfigParser, string
+ import os
+ import statvfs
+ import eyeD3
+@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
+ import ao
+ import ogg.vorbis
+ import gettext
+-import popen2, pwd
++import pwd
++import subprocess
++import shlex
+ import tty, termios, time, fnmatch
+ gettext.bindtextdomain('burn', '/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/')
+@@ -147,12 +149,15 @@
+ def check_media_empty():
+       """check if cdrom is empty using cdrdao"""
+-      # giuppi's function 
+-      device = config.get('CD-writer','device')
+-      driver = config.get('CD-writer','driver')
+-      media_raw_info=popen2.popen2('%s disk-info --device %s --driver %s 
+-      lines=media_raw_info[0].readlines()
+-      for line in lines:
++      command_args = [
++              cdrdao, "disk-info",
++              "--device", config.get('CD-writer', 'device'),
++              "--driver", config.get('CD-writer', 'driver'),
++              ]
++      command_process = subprocess.Popen(
++              command_args, close_fds=True,
++              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull))
++      for line in command_process.stdout:
+               if line.startswith('CD-R empty'):
+                       if line.split(':')[1].strip()=='yes':
+                               return True
+@@ -175,12 +180,15 @@
+ def get_media_capacity():
+       """get media capacity using cdrdao"""
+-      # giuppi's function 
+-      device = config.get('CD-writer','device')
+-      driver = config.get('CD-writer','driver')
+-      media_raw_info=popen2.popen2('%s disk-info --device %s --driver %s 
+-      lines=media_raw_info[0].readlines()
+-      for line in lines:
++      command_args = [
++              cdrdao, "disk-info",
++              "--device", config.get('CD-writer', 'device'),
++              "--driver", config.get('CD-writer', 'driver'),
++              ]
++      command_process = subprocess.Popen(
++              command_args, close_fds=True,
++              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull))
++      for line in command_process.stdout:
+               if line.startswith('Total Capacity'):
+                       if line.split(':')[1].strip()=='n/a':
+                               return None
+@@ -284,38 +292,31 @@
+ class ISO:
+       "ISO class"
+       path_o = []
+-      mkisofs_line = ''
++      mkisofs_args = []
+       windows = config.get('ISO','windows_read')
+       tempdir = config.get('ISO','tempdir')
+       image_name = config.get('ISO','image') 
+       mount_dir = config.get('ISO','mount_dir')
+       dest = normpath(tempdir + image_name)
+-      def mkisofs_line_append(self, addenda):         
+-              """append string (addenda) to mkisofs_line"""
+-              self.mkisofs_line = self.mkisofs_line + addenda
+-      def mkisofs_line_view(self):                            
+-              """view command in mkisofs_line"""
+-              return self.mkisofs_line
+       def create(self):
+-              """exec command in mkisofs_line"""
++              """ Execute data track recording command. """
+               print _('Creating temporary image: '), self.dest
+               pbar=progressBar(0,100,30)
+-              stderr=popen2.popen3(self.mkisofs_line)[2]
++              command_process = subprocess.Popen(
++                      self.mkisofs_args, close_fds=True,
++                      stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+               progress=0
+-              while 1:
+-                      line=stderr.readline()
+-                      if not line:
+-                              pbar.updateAmount(100)
+-                              print pbar, "\r",
+-                              sys.stdout.flush()
+-                              return
++              for line in command_process.stderr:
+                       if "done, estimate finish" in line:
+                               progress = int(float(line.split()[0][:-1]))
+                               pbar.updateAmount(progress)
+                               print pbar, "\r",
+                               sys.stdout.flush()
++              pbar.updateAmount(100)
++              print pbar, "\r",
++              sys.stdout.flush()
+       def destroy(self):                                      
+-              """exec command in mkisofs_line"""
++              """ Remove the image file. """
+               remove(self.dest)
+       def ask_mount(self, image):
+               """asks if user wants to mount image"""
+@@ -330,16 +331,18 @@
+       def mount(self, image):                                 
+               """mount image in self.mount_dir"""
+               if exists(self.mount_dir) and isdir(self.mount_dir):
+-                      mount_loop = "mount -o loop " + image + " " + 
+-                      if system(mount_loop):
++                      command_args = [
++                              "mount", "-o", "loop",
++                              image, self.mount_dir]
++                      if
+                               print _('Unable to mount '), image, _('. Please 
check if you have permissions to mount it on '), self.mount_dir
+                               sys.exit()
+                       self.ask_after_mount(self.mount_dir)
+               else:
+                       err(self.mount_dir + _(' is not valid as a mount 
+                       sys.exit()
+-              umount_loop = "umount " + self.mount_dir
+-              system(umount_loop)
++              command_args = ["umount", self.mount_dir]
+       def ask_after_mount(self, dirname):
+               """Choose what to do with the mounted image..."""
+@@ -396,7 +399,7 @@
+ class CDROM:
+       "CDROM class"
+-      cdrecord_line = ''
++      cdrecord_args = []
+       cdrdao=config.get('executables','cdrdao')
+       speed = config.get('CD-writer','speed')
+       device = config.get('CD-writer','device')
+@@ -411,7 +414,15 @@
+                       if not empty:
+                               if not options.multisession:
+                                       print _('Error. Please insert a blank 
+-                                      os.system('%s -eject dev=%s 
++                                      device = config.get(
++                                              'CD-writer','device')
++                                      command_args = [
++                                              cdrecord, "-eject",
++                                              "dev=%(device)s" % vars()]
++                                              command_args,
++                                              stdout=open(os.devnull),
++                                              stderr=open(os.devnull))
+                                       sys.exit()
+                       self.size = get_media_capacity()
+@@ -421,15 +432,9 @@
+               else:
+                       self.size = config.get('Media','size')
+-      def cdrecord_line_append(self, addenda):                
+-              """appen string (addenda) to cdrecord_line"""
+-              self.cdrecord_line = self.cdrecord_line + addenda
+       def cdrecord_simulate(self):                            
+               """simulate burning"""
+-              self.cdrecord_line = self.cdrecord_line + '-dummy  '
+-      def cdrecord_line_view(self):                           
+-              """view command in cdrecord_line"""
+-              return self.cdrecord_line
++              self.cdrecord_args.append("-dummy")
+       def size_compare(self, tobeburned, space_needed):
+               """Checks free space for temporary files and CD oversize"""
+               free_disk_space = int(iso.freespace())
+@@ -456,62 +461,59 @@
+       def line_create(self):
+               """cdrecord line generation"""
+-              self.cdrecord_line = ''
+-              self.cdrecord_line_append(cdrecord + ' -v -pad ')
++              self.cdrecord_args = []
++              self.cdrecord_args.extend([cdrecord, "-v", "-pad"])
+               #check for dummy (simulate)
+               if options.simulate:
+                       self.cdrecord_simulate()
+               #check for eject
+               if options.eject:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('-eject ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("-eject")
+               #check burning speed
+               if self.speed:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('speed=' + self.speed + ' ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("speed=%(speed)s" % 
+               else:
+                       print _('no burning speed defined, using 2x')
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('speed=2' + ' ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("speed=2")
+               #check burn device
+               if self.device:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('dev=' + self.device + ' ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("dev=%(device)s" % vars(self))
+               else:
+                       print _('no device specified.')
+                       sys.exit()
+               #for the ones who have buffer underrun protection
+               if self.burnfree:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('driveropts=burnfree ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("driveropts=burnfree")
+               #enable multisession
+               if options.multisession:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('-multi ')
++                      self.cdrecord_args.append("-multi")
+               if options.data_cd or options.iso_cd:
+-                      self.cdrecord_line_append('-data ' + iso.dest)
++                      self.cdrecord_args.extend(["-data", iso.dest])
+       def create(self):                                       
+-              """exec command in cdrecord_line"""
++              """exec command in cdrecord_args"""
+               print
+               print _('Press a key to begin recording...')
+               getch()
+               print _('Please wait...')
+-              #print self.cdrecord_line
+-              system(self.cdrecord_line)
+-      def double_dao_create(self, cdrdao_line):                               
+-              """exec command in cdrdao_line if you have TWO unit (reader and 
++      def double_dao_create(self, cdrdao_args):                               
++              """exec command in cdrdao_args if you have TWO unit (reader and 
+               print
+               print _('Place the source CD in the CD drive')
+               print _('and place a blank media in the recording unit.')
+               print _('Press a key to begin on-the-fly copy')
+               getch()
+-              system(cdrdao_line)
+-              #print cdrdao_line
+-      def single_dao_create(self, cdrdao_line):                               
        #exec command in cdrdao_line
+-              """exec command in cdrdao_line if you have only ONE unit 
++      def single_dao_create(self, cdrdao_args):
++              """exec command in cdrdao_args if you have only ONE unit 
+               print
+               print _('Place source CD in the recording unit.')
+               print _('Press a key to begin reading...')
+               getch()
+-              system(cdrdao_line)
+-              #print cdrdao_line
+       def another_copy(self):                                 
+               """burn image untill user says no"""
+@@ -772,7 +774,7 @@
+               path = ''
+               path_preserved = ''
+               path_changed = ''
+-              path_excluded = ''
++              paths_excluded = []
+               msinfo_values = ''
+               size = 0
+               first_time_multisession = 0
+@@ -834,12 +836,12 @@
+                                                                       if 
if isfile(join(root,i)):
        size = size - getsize(join(root,i))
        path_excluded = path_excluded + '-x ' + '\'' + join(root,i) + '\'' + ' '
        paths_excluded.append(join(root, i))
+                                                       for d in dirs:
+                                                               if 
fnmatch.fnmatch(d, x):
+                                                                       if 
size = size - du(join(root,d), 0)
path_excluded = path_excluded + '-x ' + '\'' + join(root,d) + '\'' + ' '
paths_excluded.append(join(root, d))
+                       print
+                       print _('Size without exclusions: '), "\t", 
testsize/1048576, "Mb"
+@@ -851,18 +853,18 @@
+                       sys.exit()
+               cdrom.size_compare(size, size)
+               #mkisofs line generation
+-              iso.mkisofs_line_append(mkisofs + ' -R ') #-quiet 
++              iso.mkisofs_args.extend([mkisofs, "-R"])
+               if exists(iso.tempdir):
+-                      iso.mkisofs_line_append('-o ' + iso.dest + '  ')
++                      iso.mkisofs_args.extend(["-o", iso.dest])
+               else:
+                       err(_('Error: ') + iso.tempdir + _(' does not exist'))
+                       sys.exit()
+               #check Joliet option to be added
+               if == 'yes':
+-                      iso.mkisofs_line_append('-J -joliet-long ')
++                      iso.mkisofs_args.extend(["-J", "-joliet-long"])
+               #check exclude files - directories
+-              if path_excluded:
+-                      iso.mkisofs_line_append(path_excluded + ' ')
++              for path_excluded in paths_excluded:
++                      iso.mkisofs_args.extend(["-x", path_excluded])
+               if options.multisession:
+                       multisession_choose = iso.ask_multisession()
+                       if multisession_choose == 2:
+@@ -870,18 +872,21 @@
+                               print _('Place target CD in CD/DVD writer unit 
and press a key...')
+                               getch()
+                               print _('Please wait...')
+-                              msinfo = commands.getstatusoutput(cdrecord + ' 
-msinfo dev=' + cdrom.device + ' 2>/dev/null')
+-                              iso.mkisofs_line_append(' -C ' + msinfo[1] + ' 
-M ' + cdrom.device + ' ')
++                              command_args = [
++                                      cdrecord, "-msinfo",
++                                      "-dev=%(device)s" % vars(cdrom)]
++                              command_process = subprocess.Popen(
++                                      command_args,
++                                      stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
++                              msinfo = command_process.communicate()[0]
++                              iso.mkisofs_args.extend(
++                                      ["-C", msinfo, "-M", cdrom.device])
+                       elif not multisession_choose == 1:
+                               sys.exit()
+                       else:
+                               first_time_multisession = 1
+-              iso.mkisofs_line_append('-graft-points ' + global_path)
++              iso.mkisofs_args.extend(["-graft-points", global_path])
+               cdrom.line_create()
+-              #a = cdrom.cdrecord_line_view()
+-              #print a
+-              #b = iso.mkisofs_line_view()
+-              #print b
+               if exists(iso.dest):
+                       if not iso.first_ask_remove():
+                               cdrom.another_copy()
+@@ -925,37 +930,39 @@
+               if cdrom.device == cdrom.source_device or cdrom.source_device 
== '':
+                       single_drive_mode = 1
+                       #print single_drive_mode
+-              cdrdao_line = cdrdao + ' '
++              cdrdao_args = [cdrdao]
+-              #if options.simulate:
+-              #       cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "simulate "
+               if single_drive_mode == 1:
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "copy "
++                      cdrdao_args.append("copy")
+                       if options.simulate:
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--simulate "
++                              cdrdao_args.append("--simulate")
+                       if options.eject:
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--eject "
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--datafile " + iso.dest + 
" --device " + cdrom.device + " "
++                              cdrdao_args.append("--eject")
++                      cdrdao_args.extend([
++                              "--datafile", iso.dest,
++                              "--device", cdrom.device])
+                       if not cdrom.driver == '':
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + " --driver " + 
cdrom.driver + " "
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + " --speed " + cdrom.speed + 
" --fast-toc"
+-                      #print cdrdao_line
+-                      cdrom.single_dao_create(cdrdao_line)
++                              cdrdao_args.extend(["--driver", cdrom.driver])
++                      cdrdao_args.extend(
++                              ["--speed", cdrom.speed, "--fast-toc"])
++                      cdrom.single_dao_create(cdrdao_args)
+               else:
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "copy "
++                      cdrdao_args.append("copy")
+                       if options.simulate:
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--simulate "
++                              cdrdao_args.append("--simulate")
+                       if options.eject:
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--eject "
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--device " + cdrom.device 
+ " " 
++                              cdrdao_args.append("--eject")
++                      cdrdao_args.extend(["--device", cdrom.device])
+                       if not cdrom.driver == '':
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + " --driver " + 
cdrom.driver + " "
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--source-device " + 
cdrom.source_device + " "
++                              cdrdao_args.extend(["--driver", cdrom.driver])
++                      cdrdao_args.extend(["--source-device", 
+                       if not cdrom.source_driver == '':
+-                              cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + "--source-driver " 
+ cdrom.source_driver + " "
+-                      cdrdao_line = cdrdao_line + " --speed " + cdrom.speed + 
" --on-the-fly --fast-toc "
+-                      #print cdrdao_line
+-                      cdrom.double_dao_create(cdrdao_line)
++                              cdrdao_args.extend(
++                                      ["--source-driver", 
++                      cdrdao_args.extend([
++                              "--speed", cdrom.speed,
++                              "--on-the-fly", "--fast-toc"])
++                      cdrom.double_dao_create(cdrdao_args)
+               sys.exit()
+       #------------------------------------------------------
+       if mode == 4: #AUDIO
+@@ -1083,8 +1090,11 @@
+                                               dev=ao.AudioDevice('wav', 
filename=normpath(iso.tempdir + 'burn_' + `counter`) +'.wav', overwrite=True)
+                                       if ext == '.mp3':
+                                               if external_decod > 0:
+-                                                      mp3_line = mp3_decoder 
+ ' ' + mp3_decoder_option + ' ' + normpath(iso.tempdir +  'burn_' + `counter`) 
+ '.wav ' + "\"" + y + "\""
+-                                                      system(mp3_line)
++                                                      command_args = 
command_args.append(normpath(iso.tempdir +  'burn_' + repr(counter) + '.wav'))
++                                                      command_args.append(y)
+                                               else: 
+                                                       af = mad.MadFile(y)
+@@ -1104,8 +1114,11 @@
+                                       elif ext == '.ogg':
+                                               SIZE = 4096
+                                               if external_decod > 0:
+-                                                      ogg_line = ogg_decoder 
+ ' ' + ogg_decoder_option + ' ' + normpath(iso.tempdir +  'burn_' + `counter`) 
+ '.wav ' + "\"" + y + "\""
+-                                                      system(ogg_line)
++                                                      command_args = 
command_args.append(normpath(iso.tempdir +  'burn_' + repr(counter) + '.wav'))
++                                                      command_args.append(y)
+                                               else:
+                                                       af = 
+@@ -1135,16 +1148,12 @@
+               #----------------- cdrecord line generation 
+-              #building cdrecord audio line
+-              for x in audio_list:
+-                      tracks = tracks + '\"' + x + '\"' + ' '
+-                      #tracks = tracks + x + ' '
+               #creates cdrecord line
+               cdrom.line_create()
+               #appendig tracks to cdrecord line
+-              cdrom.cdrecord_line_append('-audio ' + tracks)
+-              a = cdrom.cdrecord_line_view()
+-              #print a
++              cdrom.cdrecord_args.append("-audio")
++              cdrom.cdrecord_args.extend(audio_list)
+               #burning CD
+               cdrom.create()
+               while ask_ok(_('Do you want to use processed audio files to 
create another Audio CD now? (y/N) '), False):
+=== modified file 'burn-configure'
+--- old/burn-configure 2005-03-14 21:38:46 +0000
++++ new/burn-configure 2009-08-23 04:03:23 +0000
+@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
+ from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+ from os.path import *
+-from os import system, remove
+-import sys, ConfigParser, commands
++from os import remove
++import sys, ConfigParser
+ import os
+ import gettext
+ import pwd
diff -Nru burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/series burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/series
--- burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/series    1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
+++ burn-0.4.3/debian/patches/series    2009-08-23 15:44:01.000000000 +1000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -Nru burn-0.4.3/debian/rules burn-0.4.3/debian/rules
--- burn-0.4.3/debian/rules     2009-08-23 15:12:43.000000000 +1000
+++ burn-0.4.3/debian/rules     2009-08-23 15:44:01.000000000 +1000
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
 #export DH_VERBOSE=1
 export DH_COMPAT=3
+include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
 build: build-stamp
+build-stamp: ${QUILT_STAMPFN}
        # Add here commands to compile the package.
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@
        touch build-stamp
+clean: unpatch
        rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
@@ -33,9 +35,8 @@
        chmod 0755 `pwd`/debian/burn/usr/bin/*
        cp -p burn.conf `pwd`/debian/burn/etc
        cp -p burn.conf-dist `pwd`/debian/burn/usr/share/burn/
        touch install-stamp
 # Build architecture-independent files here.
 binary-indep: build install

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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