On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 20:08 +0200, Luk Claes wrote:
> Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I am writing to request that scotch 5.0.6-1 (uploaded 7/21) and libmesh
> > 0.6.2-2 (uploaded 7/25) be included in the Lenny release.  Scotch is in
> > the NEW queue because this release added shared libraries.  The libmesh
> > release closes a lot of bugs, and uses the scotch shared libraries, so
> > it is in Dep-Wait state waiting for the new scotch package.
> libmesh unblocked, scotch can only be processed once it's accepted in
> unstable: so no decision on scotch yet. Please poke us again once it has
> been accepted in unstable.

*Poke* (Scotch accepted, is in unstable, but marked as frozen on

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