
On 19/12/2024 09:30, Mike Gabriel wrote:
On  Do 19 Dez 2024 09:22:52 CET, David Prévot wrote:
On 16/12/2024 14:15, David Prévot wrote:

[…] It seems that most regressions are related to Horde (hence CCing the team and Mike)

Half (14) of the 28 remaining issues spotted by debci are about Horde packages.
The Horde situation in Debian is quite sad. Upstream is working on some modernization aka Horde 6, but nothing in sight so far.

I'll ping Horde upstream on the current status the coming days, can you - for now - ignore the php-horde-* package in the onoing transition?
If by ignoring, you mean “get it removed from testing”, I assume it’s possible.

Looking at what’s left on the [excuse] page, there are three end-user packages (mediawiki, phpldapadmin and phpmyadmin), all other look like libraries that are not used by any package currently in testing (well, except symfony, but the last upload is targeted to fix the remaining test issue on i386).

        excuse: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=php-defaults



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