On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 6:53 AM Robert Edmonds <edmo...@debian.org> wrote:
> I've released a new upstream version of protobuf-c that fixes the FTBFS
> issue with protobuf 3.6, which fixes #900621. I will upload it to
> unstable shortly.
 To whom it may concern, a status update.
Robert released and uploaded an updated protobuf-c version. It built
fine with protobuf 3.0.0 and I could build it with as well.
Google released a new protobuf release with 3.6.1 version number. I've
packaged it and due to a new soname version it had to go through NEW.
Then it had a new grpc release which was packaged and uploaded as
The new protobuf -> protobuf-c / grpc chain compiles now on all
release architectures. Due to the mentioned protobuf soname change, I
have to restart building of all other dependent packages. I'll be off
the grid for the weekend, but will do it next week.


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