On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 06:57:49PM +0200, Loïc Minier wrote:
>  10 days ago, I prepared and got gnome-system-monitor 2.8.1-5 uploaded
>  to TPU because I want to upload gnome-system-monitor 2.8.1-4 to stable
>  and this is rejected if testing has a lower version.

>  In the first days after the upload, I could follow the status of the
>  buildd at:
> <http://people.debian.org/~igloo/status.php?email=&packages=gnome-system-monitor&arches=>

>  But somehow, the package was no longer listed after a while.

Really?  I've never seen that page track anything but unstable.

>  The buildd logs at:
>     <http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=&pkg=gnome-system-monitor>
>  1/ a failure on s390, which I couldn't understand (it claims
>  uninstallable packages, but testing is supposed to prevent that)

Yes, testing does prevent that; there may be other reasons for a buildd
to *think* that the packages are uninstallable, however, so this needs
investigation by the buildd admin.

>  2/ only 7 of the missing 10 architectures have a buildd log

I guess you mean s/missing/remaining/, here.  I don't see that there are
10 architectures missing, I see that the package is built and installed
in the archive for 7 of 11 archs.

gnome-system-monitor |    2.8.1-5 | testing-proposed-updates | source, alpha, 
hppa, i386, m68k, mips, mipsel, powerpc

Of the other architectures, arm, ia64, and sparc list the package as
Needs-Build; s390 has already been explained.

>  Should I contact the [EMAIL PROTECTED] maintainers?

You can, though the only thing they can do would be to confirm that
there are autobuilders still set up to build t-p-u for these missing

>  Or can I get an exemption to the version comparison rule and upload to
>  stable?

Not from this list, you can't.  In any case, you're probably better off
waiting a couple of days for the GNOME 2.10 version of the package to
enter testing.

>  And I wonder: what happens to TPU and to stable uploads when packages
>  are removed from unstable?  You can't update the stable package
>  anymore?

Well, that's a different bug if so.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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