(pruning CC list; AFAIK all will still get the message this way)

On Tuesday 30 August 2005 04:56, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > So we're going to have another release with a very elaborate upgrade
> > procedure in the release notes (which a lot of users, especially
> > desktop users, don't read anyway)?
> 1) upgrade your kernel
> 2) dist-upgrade
> That doesn't seem terribly elaborate to me?  And if people choose not
> to read, well, they get a failure on dist-upgrade and get to figure it
> out for themselves, I guess.

Yeah, and that IMHO is exactly the problem.
Debian used to be known for relatively trouble free upgrades. For the 
Woody-Sarge upgrade the upgrade problems (the kernel issues at least) 
were mostly limited to non-mainstream architectures, but now we're likely 
to hit 80% of Sarge desktop users.

BTW, here's a first example...
(the poster works for Intel)

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