This message is intended to meet the expectations set forth by Anthony Towns
in email dated 1 July 2001, specifically the paragraph:

      Deadline: someone from each architecture that wants to release
      needs to mail -release with their current status, and a successful
      install report by July 24th.

I believe that the ia64 architecture can and should be included when we 
release woody.  In support of this assertion, I offer the following:

  - Our toolchain has stabilized.  We have an architecture-specific binutils
    package and are the only Debian architecture using gcc-2.96.  These tool
    versions are the current defaults for this architecture in the community.

  - The system is definitely usable as it stands.  Systems running Debian 
    have been stable for several months, and in the last few days I have 
    begun using an HP Workstation i2000 including a working X server as one 
    of my principle software development systems.

  - Approximately 70% of the relevant packages in Debian are up to date
    in the unstable archive, and several people are working full or part
    time to resolve the buildability issues in the remaining packages.

  - We are happily installing Debian on new systems using a CDROM image based 
    on boot-floppies CVS, on Itanium systems from HP, Intel, and Compaq.

    We are making some minor adjustments to the way elilo is configured, and 
    Richard Hirst hopes to commit "final" support for ia64 systems to 
    boot-floppies CVS shortly.  An upload of packages to the archive can 
    happen quickly using CVS boot-floppies code, or we can wait for a new 
    release after our changes are committed... and upload quickly then.

If there are any further questions, I will be happy to answer them.


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