Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have to concede this kind of stuff happens, and just got #53967
> acknowledged (I refered to your bug report from Dec. 29 so Guy is aware
> that this is really the same bug). I hope you didn't file another report
> after that one?

No, I didn't.

> We need to distinguish two things here: I don't really rely on CD images
> as I can just as well install everything off the net or use unstable. The
> same is probably true for the other m68k maintainers.

Likewise.  I only use CDs for my clients machines, and run unstable on
all my own machines.

> The users, on the other hand, often need CD images and mostly use stable.
> At this time, though, there just are not enough maintainers to properly
> support stable. And getting updates to the boot-floppies rejected because
> they are not security related neither helps the users nor improves my
> motivation to invest further work into an apparently futile effort that
> I'm not over likely to benefit from.
> On your implicit conjecture that we don't really care:

I was specifically referring to how important the CD images of stable
were felt to be.  Given that you say that the users use them, you've
answered my question.  I wasn't trying to imply that you don't care
about Debian-m68k --- sorry if that's how it came across.

> > If it is important to have stable m68k CDs, then we need to modify our
> > use of the BTS to reflect that, or perhaps ensure that someone that
> > uses m68k (and each other architecture) attempts to make CDs prior to
> > releases, so we can find these sorts of problems.  (B.T.W. CD building
> > also highlights unmet dependencies, which is another problem that
> > keeps recurring.)
> We did just that prior to the original slink release. Chris Lawrence twice
> burned CDs from the pre-2.1 stuff that he sent to me and other testers,
> and the feedback from his test builds and our test results went into
> the debian CD scripts. Our experience with boot-floppies and the CDs went
> into the powerpc boot-floppies for example. That was done largely without
> the BTS being involved, at least on my part.
> It would be nice to run test builds with potato again in the near future
> but Chris has no working Amiga anymore, and I have no Debian system on our
> CD recorder (and no local mirror).

Well, if it would help, you can have an account on open.hands.com
(a.k.a. cdimage.debian.org) and you can make the images there.
There's enough room for you to do test builds of potato.  If you're
interested mail me an ssh identity.pub, signed with your GPG key.

Cheers, Phil.

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