Adam Borowski - 23.03.22, 16:46:48 CET: > On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 03:37:27PM +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote: > > You're not the first one with the same reaction, so here's why. > > > > Norbert publicly lies, writting he's not packaging in Debian "thanks > > to the da-manager", why should we care? Quite the opposite, isn't > > it normal to publicly debunk it then? > > How would he "lie" by claiming that any new packaging (NEW sources or > binaries) by him has been hobbled by the da-manager? > > That's a pretty undisputable fact, what can be disputed is whether the > da-manager has been right doing so. > > And a number of people has been disagreeing with that, some to the > point of leaving, temporarily or not, because of the way Norbert gets > treated. Including prolific contributors, such as Karsten Merker or > Dmitry Bogatov.
I am astonished to see, again, how people here seem to project all badness in the world onto a single former, cause expelled, Debian developer. Especially one with whom I had zero problems with and one who contributed a huge lot of work. I believe it to be about time for people to look into themselves for their contribution to all of this conflict. It is always easier to bash someone else, I know, but it does not make Debian a friendlier place to begin with. It just increases the fear to be bashed for speaking out one's own truth. I really still hope that Debian community can do better than that. In Debian, and very importantly also in the world, we need more unity, not more division. But this is only achievable when everyone does their homework. One important step here would be to be more careful when using a word like "lies". It is clear to me, beyond doubt, that there is disagreement here that has not been resolved. One can paper over this disagreement with exercising power. But it does not help the project in the long run. There is work to be done. Uneasy work. But important to do, nonetheless. -- Martin