On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 9:26 AM Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org> wrote: > > On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 10:02:13AM +0100, Philip Hands wrote: > [..] > You described Reddit, just with some very complicated integration with > your mail client.
Apologies for jumping into this, despite not having time to participate properly in theconversation. I would urge folks driving this effort to have a look at Audrey Tang's description of the platform they've been using for country-wide consensus building in Taiwan. They have a reddit-like system but _without_ a reply button (nor IIRC a downvote button). That tiny ux change means that: - agreeing is effortless (just press upvote button) - disagreeing requires _constructive_ work (one has to make a new post, that actually proposes something, rather than merely criticise somebody else's) - a controversial post can be ignored, and only if it gathers a non-trivial number of upvotes one feels the need to do something about (aka xkcd.com/386) Their implementation is open-source but I doubt that it'd work for Debian. We'd need something that integrates with email and gpg signatures. It could be email in, web out (much like our BTS), although technically one could also have web in, to accommodate folks that are more keen on a forum like interface. Needless to say that this'd take a significant amount of work to design and develop. Somebody would need to figure out the relation between email threads and polls (and counter positions in the same topic). I don't have time to participate in centi-threads, let alone work on this, but I'd be happy to review any relevant docs in this direction.