On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 10:02:13AM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> I would hope to have a way of responding to any mail in our mailing
> lists, preferably via something that I could bind to a keystroke in my
> mail reader, without needing anyone to set up a poll in advance.
> I'd expect the service to keep a tally, but keep the identities of
> voters secret. I'd also restrict the right to vote (with criteria
> depending on the mailing list) to avoid people making up IDs to skew
> votes, or random passers-by voting because they found a link somewhere.
> With such a service, one could gather opinions simply by saying "Please
> respond to this mail via the thumbs-o-matic" and have an instant poll
> with no effort.
> Also, if someone started a divisive GR discussion, instead of it
> immediately starting a flame war, it might instead mostly provoke a big
> thumbs down on the thumbs-o-matic, and one of the responses to the
> discussion could simply mention that fact, pointing at an automatically
> generated graph. That would then give the proposer the chance to
> encourage their claimed silent majority to see if they can push the
> figures into the positive, and if not, one could hope that the proposer
> would have the sense to give up early.
> I could also imagine setting up my mail program to query the
> thumbs-o-matic to help it decide how to sort or present my mail.
You described Reddit, just with some very complicated integration with
your mail client.

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