
On Mon, 26 Aug 2019, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> forced to either register on the said non-free platform, and use a
> workflow which I very much dislike. It's either that ... or I just
> ignore the VCS fields, and the VCS becomes outdated, missing my upload,
> with a very good chance that it will never get updated. That's really

You are mixing unresponsiveness of the maintainer with non-free
platforms, and I am sure you do that on purpose to press your own agenda
to force everyone to salsa.

Even on salsa there are (I am sure, because I have seen them before)
packages that are out of date, and you will not be able to push to it if
it is a personal project.

It boils down to responsiveness and collaborativenss of the maintainer,
and is not a question of non-free or not.

With any proposal like this the net effect is that those who prefer some
other infrastructure than salsa will have an out of date git repo at
salsa to satisfy your agenda, and real development will still continue
somewhere else. I for my side will not move over again, and if I am
forced I will just force-push released versions in one big bunch, and nothing
else, while actual development will happen somewhere else.

Please, stop you crusade, and simply accept that other developers have
other opinions than yours, and other preferences. We are volunteers.



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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