Le 6 février 2019 09:58:34 GMT+01:00, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> a écrit 
>On 06/02/2019 08:54, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
>> Le mercredi 06 février 2019 à 09:51:45+0100, Pierre-Elliott Bécue a
>écrit :
>>> Le mercredi 06 février 2019 à 08:42:13+0000, Daniel Pocock a écrit :
>>>> On 04/02/2019 22:52, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
>>>>> Do you really think that among more than a thousand people, nobody
>>>>> except the two recently expelled developers made an innocent
>mistake? Do
>>>>> you actually think that regarding the one whom I replied to, he's
>on any
>>>>> "innocent mistake" path?
>>>> That is extraordinarily offensive and defamatory
>>>> Many people noticed that your statement makes the implication that
>>>> may have been wrongdoing while providing absolutely no evidence
>>>> thereof.  The only evidence that has appeared is about dirty
>>>> and backstabbing.
>>>> This proves my point about rampant character assassination[1] in
>>>> thank you for proving that.
>>>> Please kindly provide a public apology and retraction of your
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> 1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2018/12/msg00042.html
>>> I'm pretty sure I told you to not reply to me as I would not bother
>>> reply.
>>> Please kindly comply with my requirement.
>>> And stop behaving like my neighbour's child. Some introspection
>would be
>>> a good thing.
>>> Regards,
>> For the sake of clarity, I shall disclose any private email you send
>> me. I don't want to have any private discussion with you. This is not
>> negotiable.
>OK, thank you for also helping demonstrate that there is no one person
>to be blamed for the confrontational attitudes in this community, it
>appears to be a deep rooted and pervasive problem in organizational

You are on a good path to prove my "not on an innocent mistake path" point.

This was my last reply. 

Best regards.
PEB from my phone.

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