>> 4) Name: we find that "anti harassment" is not a great name both because
>> it's negative and because it puts people on edge when we contact
them.  We
>> asked people to suggest other names.  The current best suggestion that we
>> have is "Respect & Inclusion team" with resp...@debian.org as the alias
>> (not created yet). This discussion is still open and we welcome other
>> suggestions and ideas (contact us via antiharassm...@debian.org ).
> Emphasising "respect" may be problematic.  It's something abusive
> people often demand when they encounter resistance.


> You could use "safety" or "welfare" - but that might be claiming too
> wide a role.

"safety" might be confused with "security", and a message to
"saf...@debian.org" might be more appropriately related for the safety
of the Debian Project and its user.

"Tranquility Team" with tranquil...@debian.org might reflect what this
groups is interested in.


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