Hi all,
OSCAL17[1] in Tirana is just over a month away. I've had some private discussions with the organizers and it was also discussed on this list a few weeks ago in the thread[2] about Linux Weekend'17 Tirana. I'm keen to go along myself and do some Debian-related things there, including a booth and a talk. Did anybody else involved in Debian already submit any proposal through the call for papers? Is anybody based in the area or otherwise thinking about attending? Has anybody already submitted any request to the DPL for funding or would anybody be interested in collaborating on a funding request? As in previous events, participants could potentially qualify[3] for funding by representing Debian in some way, grouping some talks into a Mini-DebConf track or by having a sprint or BSP there. The DPL would have the last word on this but I would be interested to hear any thoughts people have before sending him a formal request. Regards, Daniel 1. http://oscal.openlabs.cc/ 2. https://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu/2017/02/msg00010.html 3. https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DPL/AskingForMoney