Hi Debian! tl;dr: Debian's own Andres Salomon (dilinger@d.o) is running for Mayor of Seattle! Please help promote FOSS in a major US tech-savvy city. https://andres4mayor.com
Details: His platform includes, among other non-techy things, plans for * City policies promoting FOSS * Municipal Internet * Open Data things that we as a project all care deeply about. https://andres4mayor.com/issues/#Internet http://bit.ly/2nB5Rx0 (op-ed about the recent FCC rule changes) Seattle mayoral race has a primary election at the beginning of August in which the top two candidate then proceed to the final election in November. The current mayor is running again and has a huge lead in fundraising and name recognition. Andres needs donations to get his campaign going. Most of the other candidates in the race are not fundraising, Andres stands a good chance of getting enough votes to be #2 in the primary and go to the general election. But he needs funds to start ramping up the campaign (pay for materials, hire a campaign manager, etc) If you are a US Citizen or Green Card holder, please consider donating. Sorry non-US people the rules say you can't donate (and also the limit is $500 per individual.) Also important, if you work for or have good contacts at major FOSS-friendly tech companies with a presence in Seattle (amazon, google, facebook, microsoft?!, others) and would be willing to setup meetings with local company execs that would be very useful. We think Andres is the best candidate for them and that if we could talk to them and share concerns we think they'd agree. Andres for Mayor in 2017! -- Matt Taggart tagg...@debian.org
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