Hi there,

* Marcin Wolcendorf <antymat+deb...@chelmska.waw.pl> [2015-09-21 21:16:45 CEST]:
> I recently tried to mount an SD card on my Debian laptop. Since I am in  a
> proper group, and I should have all the necessery rights, and it has always
> worked, I thought there should be little problem. I was naive.

 I skip the rest of your polemic rant, but I wonder: What did happen?
What did you do, what didn't work the way you wanted it to do?  I'm
running jessie, mounting usb sticks with pmount just like in most other
former Debian systems I used without any troubles, so I wonder - could
you maybe elaborate on your actually issue instead of going into polemic
rants about stuff that seemingly isn't related?

Fühlst du dich mutlos, fass endlich Mut, los      |
Fühlst du dich hilflos, geh raus und hilf, los    | Wir sind Helden
Fühlst du dich machtlos, geh raus und mach, los   | 23.55: Alles auf Anfang
Fühlst du dich haltlos, such Halt und lass los    |

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