Or "why do I have feeling Debian changed to Vista".

My adventure with Linux started in 1996, from Slackware. I moved to Mandrake,
RedHat, but after RH *insisted* on forcing gcc 2.96 on unsuspecting users, I
switched to Debian, in 2001. It seems the time has come to move to Slack again,
or to Open/FreeBSD altogether; Debian is not what it used to be any more.

I recently tried to mount an SD card on my Debian laptop. Since I am in  a
proper group, and I should have all the necessery rights, and it has always
worked, I thought there should be little problem. I was naive. Someone form the
Poettering stable has "improved" my EXperience, and moved it directly to Vista
- I feel as Mr. PC from this movie:

Now, I know, Mr. P and his cronies would blame everything, starting from me,
ending with lack of systemd abomination, the phase of the moon and the lack of
water on Mars, but still - the point is, my system IS ONE F. HUGE ANNOYANCE.
And this was why I left the Windows crowd and don't feel compelled to join
Apple crumble. Now the system *supposedly* made for users, by volunteers, has
turned to some hellish nightmare of unusability and user antiexperience (anyone
can tell me, *why* polkit *configuration* ended up in /usr/share and not in
/etc? Where it is documented and how to keep *my* changes across the updated of
this C.R.A.P.? No? I thought that much.)

So - so long, Debian, sad to see you go down that way. 

Take care. 


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