On 02/21/2012 12:32 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Or make joining OSI conditional upon some sort of purge of icky licenses
>> on their side.
> We would need to start by identifying the licenses that we care enough
> about to demand that they be purged.  I suspect that list may be of zero
> size, mostly on the "care enough about" front.

This is what I asked for before, but what MJ Ray gave me was just one
license and Josselin didn't answered. And MJ didn't saw a reason for
making a list.

There's a lot of "there must be a purge of licenses" arguments, but
which ones?
Jose Luis Rivas - GPG: 0x7C4DF50D / 0xCACAB118
The Debian Project Developer -- http://ghostbar.ath.cx
Barquisimeto, Venezuela

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