On Thu, 10 May 2007 23:14:32 +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> > Debian doesn't have that luxury, and I don't know
> > what, if anything, we can effectively do at a project organization level
> > to accomplish a similar goal.
> What about doing something like that ?
> http://wiki.debian.org/Teams

Looks like a good approach, thanks!

Two quick thoughts:
* I'd move the "Task description" to the top - IMO "what's it all
  about/what's the objective?" has the top-most priority.
* IMO the next step would be to define and publish similar pages not
  only for special teams but for all roles (be they teams or
  individuals) in Debian.
> I've documented the Alioth team and I'll probably continue doing something
> similar for some other teams that I know quite well. 

I hope you do that for the Debian Perl Group so that I don't have to
learn the wiki stuff ;-)

> I started it this week and I'd like to have some feedback on the structure
> of the template page (see http://wiki.debian.org/TeamTemplate). Are the
> important information missing? Are some information useless?

I'm not sure if the "Usual roles" apply often to teams.

Bonne soirée,
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