On Thu, 10 May 2007 13:42:37 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote: > >> There are other things > >> that *are* signs of fundamental deficiencies in the project, > > Would you mind to elaborate on this point, I'm really interested in > > your opinion. > The biggest problem with most open source / free software projects that > I've been involved in is the bottleneck around evaluating and accepting > infrastructural improvements.
Thanks alot for your detailed and at the same time succinct reply. Your analysis and conclusions look very logical to me; just a few questions/thoughts: > There isn't any silver bullet solution. If there was, we probably would > have taken it already. Some projects do better with it than others. > Linux does a relatively good job here. I'm not following the Linux community closely; do you think there are points Debian could adopt or learn from? > I think Debian does very well here in some areas and not as well in > others, but Debian suffers from those structural flaws around finding a > way to train the next group, relieve load and stress on core contributors, > and still ensure that changes to the infrastructure are audited with the > detail and care that is indicated. There have been improvements by fits > and starts in the past few months, and I don't think any of this is news > to anyone. Maybe working out what are the achievements and the deficiences in detail could provide a way for improvement. > In a workplace environment, this sort of thing is often addressed by > putting mentoring and staff development on the performance goals of senior > staff and freeing up time that they're supposed to dedicate to training > and documentation. Debian doesn't have that luxury, Hm, maybe that sounds naïve, but what about thinking about a way to adopt strategies of mentoring, development, fine graining roles (job descriptions, mutual agreements, appraisal&evaluation, ...) , etc. to F/LOSS in general and Debian in particular? Cheers, gregor -- .''`. http://info.comodo.priv.at/ | gpg key ID: 0x00F3CFE4 : :' : debian: the universal operating system - http://www.debian.org/ `. `' member of https://www.vibe.at/ | how to reply: http://got.to/quote/ `- NP: Sinéad O'Connor: Emma's Song
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