On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 09:39:15PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:
> Scripsit JC Helary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Which makes "Maintainer" unsuitble for translation maintainers how,
> >> exactly?
> > Because translators mostly don't "maintain" translations but plainly
> > "contribute" translations.
> A translator whose general modus operandi is leave his translation
> unmaintained once it is written should not become a voting member of
> Debian anyway - not any more than a packager who leaves his package
> unmaintained once it is uploaded.
Hi Henning,
so if a translator will commit to 'maintaing' a particular package
translation, would that be a demonstration of the same commitment to the
'project' like software package maintaing and could then lead to him/her
being a DD? 

Maybe make the translations be in a seperate package so that
they can have names associated to them and lead to the translator being
'responsble' to our users and maintain a real packages? (of course
this would never happen for many reasons-size,splitting things up,etc.)


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