On 7 Apr 2006, Micah Anderson outgrape:

> On 2006-04-06, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 6 Apr 2006, Benj. Mako Hill told this:
>>> <quote who="Steve Langasek" date="Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 02:30:46AM
>>> -0700">
>>>> And maybe I'm too heavily steeped in Debian culture to take an
>>>> objective view, but I don't see any reason why translators,
>>>> documentation writers, artists, et al. should look at the term
>>>> "developer" and conclude it's not for them.
>>> First, none of these groups usually think of the work that they do
>>> as development. That's just not he way the word is used. But
>>> that'a semantic argument. The larger reason that this is a problem
>>> is because:
>>> (1) We as a project (and an NM project) are hesitant to give these
>>> people developership since it means they can upload to the
>>> project which introduces a set of potential risks and problems
>>> (one more account to compromise, etc).
>> I'm sorry. If we can't trust these people not to abuse upload
>> privileges, then I certainly do not want to see them get  a say in
>> deciding how we conduct the project's business.
> By your argument, then the USA should give all its citizens access
> to our nuclear arsenal, launch codes, etc. because we trust them to
> have a say in deciding how the government is run.

        Full members do not get rights to, say, restricted machines,
 or the archive, or the keyring, so you are actually supporting my
 views. Either that, or you have no idea how the internals of Debian

> Your rigid definition of trust = upload don't make sense to me. Yes,
> you have to be trusted to be able to upload, but you dont have to
> have upload abilities to be able to be trusted.

        No. I merely consider voting rights to require more trust than
 merely uploading a random package to Sid that can be NMU'd or removed
 el rapidemento.

        Casting the deciding vote that chages a foundation document,
 man, that is worth something.

        I would not be fundamentally opposed to restricting voting
 rights to a subset of people who can upload. But you need to be at
 least as trusted as people who can upload in order to vote -- and
 having your key in the keyring and entry in db.d.o is a nice way to
 implement that.

We're all looking for a woman who can sit in a mini-skirt and talk
philosophy, executing both with confidence and style.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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