cbeasley wrote:
> I am working to find a replication solution for my employers
> Postgresql Databases.  The company has tested and taken a great
> liking to Debian and has a plan to set it as a company standard.
> However, we use Postgresql Databases and it seems that none of the
> postgresql projects claim to support Debian.

That should not concern you too much as long as you can get PostgreSQL
and tools running on Debian.  The following document may be of
interest as well:

   HOWTO: Setting up RServ with PostgreSQL 7.0.3

For native replication you may have to install a more recent version
of PostgreSQL, though.

> Before I proceed with attempting to compile and test feasibility of
> the various projects available I wanted to know if there has been
> any solution successfully implemented within the Debian OS to your
> knowledge.

You should ask this on the debian-user@lists.debian.org list.



PS: Please limit your lines to 80 characters maximum and use linebreaks

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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