
On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 10:17:35PM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> I have had inquiries by interested German doctors on how they
> can "obtain" a version of, say, GNUMed to try out on their
> machines at home. To date I have had to tell them: "Go grab
> the source."
Since my mother (who is a Doctor herself) has an office here (Germany),
I noticed, that there might be legal and unfortunately financial
problems concerning the Drug Database. Drug Databases are AFAIK
covered by the german law, which says, that a Doctor needs to update
them and this means, that this doctor has contracts with a company,
which delivers them (Am I wrong?). Maybe you wonder now, what this stuff
has to do with debian-med. I think, that this fact results in having the
need of Companies, which ship debian-med coming with Support contracts.
As long as there won't be companies doing this, most of Debian-Med's
success will propably be in Research and at Hospitals.

Igor Gilitschenski               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RUS-CERT Universitaet Stuttgart  Tel:+49 711 685-5973
Allmandring 30a, 70550 Stuttgart http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/

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