On Sat, Feb 8, 2025 at 9:18 AM David Bannon <dban...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> Hi Folks, I write an app, tomboy-ng, in Debian.
> Its a free pascal app, and free pascal does not do hardening on powerpc64el. 
> So, I turn it off at compile (eg if [ "$CPU" = "powerpc64le" ]; then...) and 
> leave an override so Lintian does not get too unhappy. Like this -
> # FPC has a known bug on ppc64el that prevents hardening.
> # https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/issues/39451
> tomboy-ng [ppc64el] binary: hardening-no-pie
> Now, I still get a lintian warning, apparently across all systems but I 
> strongly suspect on on powerpc64el, "hardening-no-pie".
> While I once had some large Power clusters under my care, I don't have any 
> access to one now.  Can you please tell me if the [ppc64el] is recognised by 
> lintian ?  If not, what should it be ?  Similarly, is "powerpc64le" what I 
> expect uname to return ?  I believe it is correct because, if wrong it would 
> not build and I don't think that is the case. 'el' v, 'le' ? sigh ....

Related, get an account on the GCC Compile Farm. The CFarm offers
different architectures and operating systems to test free software,
including PowerPC machines. See <https://portal.cfarm.net/> and
"Request an Account."

You can browse the list of machines at


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