Hi Stan,
On 2021-10-06 16:59:36 +0000 Stan Johnson <user...@yahoo.com> wrote:
I can confirm that X is not working on a PowerPC G4 Cube with the
Debian kernel "vmlinux-5.14.0-2-powerpc". X does work with the stock
Debian kernel "vmlinux-5.10.0-8-powerpc". In both cases, I'm using the
latest Debian SID with Xfce. In 5.14.0-2, wdm runs but the system
console screen remains blank (the LCD backlight is on).
Same behaviour here.
(BTW, I have a PowerBook G4 12" 1.5GHz, but I didn't test the 5.14
kernel there. The PB G4 overheats and shuts off whenever it runs
anything CPU-intensive, such as a Gentoo upgrade or even compressing a
file. I think Apple had a way of throttling the CPU speed to prevent
overheating -- it doesn't have any problems with Mac OS X Tiger or
Leopard -- but they probably didn't share the details.)
Hmm, I don't think so, probably you have some fan dirty, dirt in the
heat exchanger or dead thermal paste.
I have a 17" 1.66GHz and had it just compile for 8 hours straight
ArcticFox. I regularly compile GNUstep, no issues.
I'll attempt a bisect, starting with mainline v5.14 and going
if necessary (it looks like 5.12.9 worked; I'm not sure about v5.13).
there's a kernel regression, I'll confirm the regression exists on
the G4 Cube and the PB G4. I don't have an iBook to test.
You have it on your Cube, two PowerBooks, mine and yours, and my
iBook. So I guess if you bisect on your system it is enough, no need
to try my iBook. My iMac G5 however has 5.14 running with X11. Could
be a different HW architecture or a 32bit issue or something with the
card. in my case, all ATI though, also the iMac.
Did you see the error I am getting about BIOS ROM at boot? Do you get
it too?
Proudly sent with GNUMail running on GNUstep on NetBSD/i386.