Hi Adrian,

On 12/25/20 2:20 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
This has all been debugged and discussed on the list.

I just hadn't had the time to continue working on the issues with partman yet.

I have read the threads with Dennis, but found no solution, conclusion about it. Can you point me to these threads? To see where is the issue and whether there is a rescue solution: I want to get this iMac working for these Holidays.

I have read previous threads about hfsutils, but thought they were fixed, as per your mail with Frank Scheiner.

Is there a known-good working snapshot for ppc64 macs?

Today I did another test, after having tested other, even older snapshots without success.

I used http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/current/ which has date of 9 November. Do these correspond to a specific snapshots? here also hfsprogs was missing:

Dec 25 15:29:44 in-target: ^M
Dec 25 15:29:46 in-target: sh: 1:
Dec 25 15:29:46 in-target: hfsutils: not found
Dec 25 15:29:46 in-target:
Dec 25 15:29:47 mk-hfs-bootstrap: `hformat -l "NewWorld Bootblock" "/dev/sda2"' failed with non-zero exit value (127)! Cannot continue. Exiting.

And... Frohe Weihnachten!


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