
On 12/3/20 3:05 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

I uploaded updated Debian installer CD images today.

These come with the latest versions of the kernel and the debian-installer
application as well as various other updates. The images can be found at
the usual location [1] as well as the debian-installer for netboot [2].

Nice work! I grabbed the PPC64 image and did a fresh install on an iMac G5.

My experience is like Dennis': a smooth install but no booting system at the end, just flashing Mac folder. Holding "option" does not reveal any bootable drive. Maybe no drive is "blessed" ?

I did not do much customization, except redoing the root and swap partition to have more swap, I hope I did them correctly.

I attach the full log, up to the point where I insert an USB key. I found no sftp/scp tools to copy out the log file of the computer.... luckily USB mounted without issues.

First question is... what did go wrong?

Second would be, of course, if I can "fix" it? Maybe by re-booting the CD in rescue mode and reinstall or do some magic?

I am not very expert of grub, but maybe I can try to use the CD-ROM grub and then boot from HD to see if what is installed is fully functional and the issue is in GRUB or some open-firmware settings?


Attachment: imac-log.txt.gz
Description: application/gzip

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