On 11/10/20 4:51 AM, Stan Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for creating the 9 Nov 2020 CD.  I was able to use that CD to
> install Debian SID on a PPC Cube (G4) from an external Firewire CD
> drive.  Previous CDs had failed while detecting hardware to find the
> installation media, and I had thought there was a problem with my
> Firewire CD drive (the internal CD drive no longer works on this system).

It was not a hardware detection issue. It was the installer not being
able to mount the CD-ROM because the "isofs" module was missing in
the installers initrd.

>> But for some reason partman (the partitioning tool) is hanging now.
>> Adrian
> On my PPC Cube, partman didn't hang, but I only used it to choose
> partitions that I had already created and to create ext3 filesystems.
> The installation proceeded normally, except that the installation of
> GRUB failed (perhaps I need to create an HFS filesystem on my
> Apple_Bootstrap partition first?).

It would have been very nice if you had send me the installation log
so we could have found out what the actual problem with grub-installer
was. Now it's only wild guessing.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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