Le 24/03/2019 à 08:53, Christian Marillat a écrit :
On 24 mars 2019 08:42, Bertrand Dekoninck <bertrand.dekoni...@gmail.com> wrote:

Several packages are now missing for a complete install. When I tried
to install the mate desktop tasksel, a lot of packages were missing.
See https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2019/03/msg00006.html


My install of Jessie is now fixed and everything works.
Jessie-backports and deb-multimedia are still up. And I installed ArcticFox of course.

I even have 3D working with a  radeon rv360 on this 1.67 mghz powerbook G4. I have compiled the missing updated mesa from the backport source repo. Of course 3D is not perfect (RGBA is sometimes flipped and some games are crashing). But it's stable , my desktop is fluid  and I even have Kodi up and running. I can do with Linux something I could not on OSX because Kodi is dead on OSX ppc.

My only little annoyance is the battery applet in Mate, which doesn't work as it should.


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