I'm trying since yesterday to reinstall a stable debian system on
powerbook G4 with a netinstall cd. I did it smoothly several months ago.
I initially thought I had problems with my lan connection, but it's not
the case.
Several packages are now missing for a complete install. When I tried to
install the mate desktop tasksel, a lot of packages were missing.
For instance: xauth_1.0.9-1, libxau6_1.0.8-1 and libedit2_3.1-20140620-2
are missing on the server when trying to installĀ the ssh-server task
with tasksel.
I tried with several debian mirrors.
When I search for info on xauth via
i see that the ppc version this one is missing on all the mirrors I
tried and even on ftp.debian.org
What happened ? I've found that there was a 8.11-1 security release for
Jessie on the 14th of february which isn't available for powerpc. Is it
related ?
Isn't Jessie not installable anymore ?
And if not, would a dualboot with OSX be possible with buster and grub ?
Which cd image would work ?
Bertrand Dekoninck