În lun., 31 dec. 2018 la 06:42, Gustavo Romero <grom...@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
a scris:

> Hi Michael, Steffen,

Hey Gustavo,

> On 12/30/2018 05:35 PM, Steffen Möller wrote:
> > I admit this is a bit over my head. It may be worthwhile to peek a boo
> at the latest gcc snapshots
> https://packages.debian.org/de/sid/ppc64/gcc-snapshot/download that may
> have a fix for that issue already.
> I don't think it's a compiler issue... I can't explain it yet but it's
> probably
> a float / double truncation issue exposed by some gcc-8 optimization. But
> trying
> the snapshots can add more information to explain what's going on...
> > As a workaround to quickly proceed with what you are really after, and
> following the investigation by Gustavo, you may decide to have -O3 changed
> to -O2 if the arch is ppc64 and the compiler version is that faulty one.
> Sorry, I meant -O0 instead of -O2, i.e. disabling any optimization, so it
> can't
> be used as a workaround since it will destroy performance, specially for
> That said, I dug a bit further and it looks like that sam_parse1() is
> actually
> generating a different value for the floats in question, so when they are
> loaded back for the comparison they are already screwed up, e.g.:
> -- O3 --
> 0xc0490fcf
> -3.14158988
> -- O0 --
> 0xc0490fd0
> -3.14159012 (expected)
> because strtod() is used in float_to_le() and so also in u32_to_le(),
> which are
> inlined and float_to_le() takes a float and not a double as the first
> argument
> the use strtof() instead of strtod() in there looks the best, avoiding a
> truncation from double to float, which might cause precision issues,
> specially
> between different archs (like casts) plus optimization. So the following
> change fixed the issue for me.
> Michael, could you confirm that the following change fixes the issue at
> your
> side  please?
> diff --git a/sam.c b/sam.c
> index aa94776..23233a0 100644
> --- a/sam.c
> +++ b/sam.c
> @@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ int sam_parse1(kstring_t *s, bam_hdr_t *h, bam1_t *b)
>               else if (type == 'S') while (q + 1 < p) {
> u16_to_le(strtoul(q + 1, &q, 0), (uint8_t *) str.s + str.l); str.l += 2;
> _skip_to_comma(q, p); }
>               else if (type == 'i') while (q + 1 < p) { i32_to_le(strtol(q
> + 1, &q, 0), (uint8_t *) str.s + str.l); str.l += 4; _skip_to_comma(q, p); }
>               else if (type == 'I') while (q + 1 < p) {
> u32_to_le(strtoul(q + 1, &q, 0), (uint8_t *) str.s + str.l); str.l += 4;
> _skip_to_comma(q, p); }
> -            else if (type == 'f') while (q + 1 < p) {
> float_to_le(strtod(q + 1, &q), (uint8_t *) str.s + str.l); str.l += 4;
> _skip_to_comma(q, p); }
> +            else if (type == 'f') while (q + 1 < p) {
> float_to_le(strtof(q + 1, &q), (uint8_t *) str.s + str.l); str.l += 4;
> _skip_to_comma(q, p); }
>               else _parse_err_param(1, "unrecognized type B:%c", type);
>   #undef _skip_to_comma

Applying this patch and compiling under a qemu-based sid-ppc64el builder
gets us to only a single test failure (yay!)


        /build/htslib-1.9/htsfile -c /build/htslib-1.9/test/formatcols.vcf

        The outputs differ:



.. failed ...

In the meantime, to unclog a chain of packages that have been held back
from migrating to testing, I've uploaded a version of the package that uses
-O0 for ppc64el only; which I agree is not ideal.

If you think this is a qemu-only test failure then I can upload a build to
experimental so that real hardware is used (I don't have porter box access)

> Cheers,
> Gustavo
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Steffen
> >
> > On 27.12.18 15:41, Michael Crusoe wrote:
> >>
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=htslib&arch=ppc64el&ver=1.9-7&stamp=1545236716&raw=0
> >>
> >> Can I get some assistance here? Rebuilding using Qemu and the earlier
> source packages produces the same error, so maybe this is a regression in
> the compiler?
> >>
> >> --
> >> Michael R. Crusoe
> >> Co-founder & Lead, Common Workflow Language project <
> http://www.commonwl.org/>
> >> Direktorius, VšĮ "Darbo eigos", Vilnius, Lithuania
> >> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2961-9670 <
> https://impactstory.org/u/0000-0002-2961-9670>
> >> m...@commonwl.org <mailto:m...@commonwl.org>
> >> +1 480 627 9108 / +370 653 11125
> >

Michael R. Crusoe
Co-founder & Lead, Common Workflow Language project
Direktorius, VšĮ "Darbo eigos", Vilnius, Lithuania
+1 480 627 9108 / +370 653 11125

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