Hi Michael,
I admit this is a bit over my head. It may be worthwhile to peek a boo
at the latest gcc snapshots
https://packages.debian.org/de/sid/ppc64/gcc-snapshot/download that may
have a fix for that issue already.
As a workaround to quickly proceed with what you are really after, and
following the investigation by Gustavo, you may decide to have -O3
changed to -O2 if the arch is ppc64 and the compiler version is that
faulty one.
On 27.12.18 15:41, Michael Crusoe wrote:
Can I get some assistance here? Rebuilding using Qemu and the earlier
source packages produces the same error, so maybe this is a regression
in the compiler?
Michael R. Crusoe
Co-founder & Lead, Common Workflow Language project
Direktorius, VšĮ "Darbo eigos", Vilnius, Lithuania
m...@commonwl.org <mailto:m...@commonwl.org>
+1 480 627 9108 / +370 653 11125