Hi Frank,

On Nov 19, 2017, at 1:11 AM, Frank Scheiner <frank.schei...@web.de> wrote:

> I'd like to check the behaviour of ofpath and ofpathname on my G3/G4 Power 
> Macs and Xserve but this will take a while, as most of them are in storage 
> currently and far away. I only have a Mac mini G4 at hand currently for 
> testing. I have a feeling that ofpathname might not work for these machines, 
> too, but ofpath might work. But I’m unsure as long as I don't perform some 
> testing.

If you can tell me *exactly* what to do, and I don’t have to set up an 
installation environment to do it, I’ll be happy to test ofpathname vs ofpath 
vs devalias on my PowerPC test machine farm.

I have the following machines:
    Power Mac G5 11,2,
    Power Mac G5  7,2  (I think — it’s turned off right now)
    Mac mini G4 10,1
    Mac G4 3,4
    Mac G4 dual core 3,6

If that helps,

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