Hello Rick,
yes ,
thank you ,
i have also powerbook g4 1,67 (limited to 1 GB due to some strange Bug)
and Powermac G5 (currently with 6 GB Ram, DualProcessor - Quadcore)
On the Powermac G5 Wheezy runs exceptionally well, quick , stable , only
the fans are really loud - and i have not found way yet to circumvent this.
Jessie is already quite slower on it , and needed special kernel to run
it - maybe this problem is now solved.
In novebmer i might get another G5 with Nvidia Graphics so i am happy to
learn more about Linux on Powerpc.
Great experience so far with Debian - still like it - although i find it
silly peeps pushing for so fast upgrades all the time - but hey, maybe i
am the silly one - relying on older hardware?
Cheers + happy day.
Am 12.10.17 um 11:50 schrieb Rick Thomas:
Hi Richard.
You definitely need to install more RAM if you plan to use the machine for web
browsing and other GUI-based tasks. 2GB would be just about minimum for a
modern OS like Wheezy or Jessie. Even with that, I’d make sure to specify a
lightweight desktop, like Mate or Xfce.
Given that you’re planning to upgrade RAM, you should probably consider
updating the OS to Jessie — just so you’re getting the latest security updates.
Wheezy, being older, is lower on the priority list for getting needed security
I seem to remember that you have a G4 PowerBook and a G5 PowerMac (big aluminum
case with lots of holes for airflow) and the PowerMac only has 512MB RAM.
If we’re talking about the G4 PowerBook, then Jessie will be just fine, as long
as you have enough RAM.
If we’re talking about the G5 PowerMac, my experience is that you need a
specially patched kernel to use it with a graphical user interface — adding RAM
doesn’t help because the problem is that the Graphics card uses a feature of
the G5 memory interface (“huge” pages) that the kernel doesn’t support (or vice
versa, my memory is hazy). As I said, I gave up and found non-graphical
applications for my G5 Macs.
Hope this helps!
On Oct 12, 2017, at 1:38 AM, Richard Kuenz <richard.ku...@web.de> wrote:
Ah sorry, i actually installed Wheezy,
and it still was too slow for my needs -
i might upgrade RAM to 2 GB and see if this helps.
Would like to use Squeeze - but Debian got rid "cleared" of Iceape and
therefore at the moment Wheezy / Jessie seems better for browsing especially if one likes
to consume occasioally yYoutube content or so ,albeit slow.
Am 12.10.17 um 10:33 schrieb Rick Thomas:
On Oct 12, 2017, at 1:06 AM, Richard Kuenz <richard.ku...@web.de> wrote:
Thank you ver much Rick,
this helped me alot installing SID onto Powermac G4.
You’re welcome. Glad I could help!